Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Catchin' Up

Happy July everyone!  Where did June go? This is going to be a catch up post on my life right now because while I feel like so much has happened, it's been a whirlwind that I'm only just beginning to process.  I haven't written much lately, honestly because I was afraid if I wrote it down then everything would fall through.  It still may unfortunately but I'm going to take a page from my husband's play book and have a positive outlook. 

As of today, I am now part-time at work and off at 12:30 everyday.  Like anything, I think this is going to take some getting used to - in a good way.  I am very much a routine oriented person and change kind of throws me off for awhile.  I knew the change in routine was going to be hard on Caleb too (he is very much like me in that way, poor kiddo) and that was certainly evident in the difficulty of nap time today.  I figure it will take a week or two for us all to get used to the new schedule and then hopefully we will have more success with nap and more time to have fun. 

Again, as of today, we have accepted an offer on our house and had another accepted on one we want to buy.  The inspections have been done, but no remedy requests have been submitted and as we have come to know anything can still fall through.  I hate that about real estate.  On several occasions, our realtor has said to me "Sometimes in real estate, you just have to take risks" which I completely understand.  However, that is so NOT me and that is definitely not me with two children to worry about.  We had another offer earlier in the month fall through which is probably another reason why I am just so worried about it happening again.  The people who made an offer on our house, also are selling theirs and need to close on the 22nd of this month.  We had only 31 days from the time they made their offer until closing and it has been a whirlwind.  Banks in general, prefer to have a longer time to get the loans together which made this whole situation very tricky as well as the inspections, etc.

Because we now have exactly 3 weeks until we close, we have no choice but to start packing, reserve the U-Haul, and make moving arrangements even though the remedy requests haven't been submitted and all contingencies have not been dropped.  Not the way I would choose for things to go but unfortunately, it is the reality we are faced with.  Keeping my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed and praying for the best.

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