Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Caleb Update

I wasn't going to say the cliché thing about how time goes so fast...  blah, blah, blah...but seriously, it does.  I cannot believe that I have a two and half year old.  Caleb is SO full of energy, opinions, giggles, and brings joy to every day.  I've obviously never had a 2 year old before, but from what I have gathered from others he is way ahead in the language department.  He talks SO much and I am amazed at all the new things he learns how to say daily.  He's always listening and repeating so Josh and I have to be so careful with the things we talk about and the *cough* language we use.


The things he comes up with sometimes are so funny (truthfully probably more funny to us than anyone else.. sort of a 'had to be there' type of thing) and I wonder where he possibly came up with it. We've had a bunch of birthdays in the family recently and he now loves to run around randomly and shout 'Happy Birthday!!!' at us.  Sometimes when he wakes up early in the morning on the weekends, we let him watch his favorite tv show.  He'll walk over to me with the biggest smile and whisper in my ear, 'Watch Tiger Mommy?  Pleeassee?' It's so cute that I seriously can't say no. 


He's so full of spunk and sure knows how to turn on the charm.  For the most part, he will talk to new people he meets and flashes that adorable smile.  He is such a chatterbox and will talk on and on in the backseat about anything and everything.  He loves his little brother so much. We have to watch closely because his nice kisses and hugs are not always as gentle as Eli needs.  He always means well though.


He's a great eater and most of the time will try new things with some coaxing.  He had an allergic reaction to strawberries at 18 months and we still have stayed away from trying them again until he is a bit older.  Other than that, we haven't noticed any allergies to anything yet.  Josh has a major egg allergy so we have always been careful with those, but Caleb doesn't even like eggs so we haven't had an opportunity to see if he is allergic too.

Let's face it though, he is two and with that of course comes his share of meltdowns and 'differences of opinion'.  We're lucky in that he doesn't really get frustrated because he can't communicate what he wants, we almost always can understand what he is saying, but more so because he prefers his choice over mine.  There are days when he doesn't want to put on his clothes, doesn't want to go to daycare, doesn't want to take a bath/get out of the bath/eat dinner/go to bed, the list goes on and on.  Then there are days when he is an absolute angel which I guess balances those out. 

Overall, he is a happy, healthy, sweet, energetic two year old and honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more.  We are pretty lucky.

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