Friday, May 3, 2013

I need to chill....

Things stressing me out right now:

1. The hubby and I are considered a pretty large life change right now as I am pretty unhappy in my current work situation.  I am so much a planner that I always like to have all my ducks in a row before making a change and it's not looking like that is going to happen.  I'm kind of stuck between what my head says 'I should do as a responsible person' and what my heart wants to do as a mother of two young children.  I pretty much go back and forth on a minute by minute basis- no joke.  I'm trying to gather and explore all my options and pray that a clear path will be revealed. 

2. My house that never seems to stay clean no matter how much I try.  I know this is a common theme among mommies of little ones.  I know I am not alone but man, oh man am I over the constant mess.  I am currently breastfeeding/pumping while at work which while a wonderful, wonderful gift to share with my baby and worth every minute in my opinion (another post in itself), but is certainly a lot of time and work.  I pump before work, at work of course, and before bed when Eli doesn't eat everything I 'have', if you will.  That is necessary for me to keep up my supply but a giant time suck.  My husband has really picked up the slack for me in housekeeping duties while I spend a lot of my time doing that but still.... I just wish it could stay clean for .55 seconds.  As I sit here away from my house, I long to have 5 minutes to vacuum.  Or scrub the bathroom.  Ridiculous, right?

3.  The impending doom of potty training.  I feel like Caleb isn't ready so I haven't really pushed it but we're getting close to that point.  He was very excited about it a few months ago so we went out and bought him an Elmo potty seat which he was PUMPED about.  However, when he realized it was not a toy and Mommy wouldn't let him take it out of the bathroom and play with it, he decided it actually wasn't all that cool after all.  In fact, now he refuses to sit on the potty at all.  Which is awesome.

I realize that by no means are these 'big problems'.  I am very lucky that these are the things that are what is stressing me out! 

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