Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Update on Eli's feet

We went back for our follow-up visit with the pediatric orthopedic specialist.  As I had mentioned before, our pediatrician had noticed a problem with Eli's feet at his 2 month well-baby check. After an initial visit with the specialist, he said Eli had 'metatarsus adductus'. He showed us some physical therapy stretches to do and asked us to follow up with him in two months.  If they hadn't improved, Eli would need casts on his feet to help them develop normally.  

When we went to our pediatrician for his 4 month well-baby check in early May, I asked her to look at his feet and she said that she hadn't noticed any improvement.  We were pretty upset and frustrated because we had been doing those stretches as much as we possibly could and expected at least a little improvement.  I was fully prepared (and dreading) the visit to the specialist because I was pretty sure he was going to say we needed casts.

We showed up to our appointment at 8:30 last Tuesday, full of nerves, only to be told that somehow we had mixed up our appointment days.  Our appointment had actually been the day before at 8:30.  If you know me at all, you know that I never do that.  Like ever.  I'm usually very organized and can keep dates in my head like no one's business.  However, with the stress of our upcoming trip and all the showings with the house, I somehow got the dates mixed up.  Oops.  They were nice enough to find an opening for us the next morning.

Of course, they were somehow running an hour behind that day (!!!) which only added to my nerves as we waited to be seen.  Our hospital is a teaching hospital, so we were first seen by the resident.  He looked at Eli's feet, and with no hesitation said that the flexibility had remarkably improved and he didn't think there was any reason for casts at this time.  The specialist came in a few minutes later and agreed with his assessment, but told us to continue doing the stretches.  We are supposed to come back for another appointment in one year when he is walking, to make sure that his feet are developing normally and not causing him a problem.

To say that was a major relief would be a HUGE understatement.  I felt as though a weight of worry had been lifted of my shoulders.  I am so, so very grateful to my husband who was incredibly diligent at doing those stretches with Eli every chance he got because clearly, so far it has worked.  Hopefully, they won't cause him a problem learning to walk and we can put this whole mess behind us.  Until then, I can definitely breathe a little easier.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Eli - 5 months

My sweet Eli,

It's so hard for me to believe that you are already five months old and yet equally hard for me to believe that five months and a few days ago, you were still in my belly.  The extent to which you have changed our lives for the better sweet boy, is too much to even describe. 

Your big brother loves you SO, SO much.  You spend all day together at day care and still he wants to play with you and kiss on you when we get home.  You love to watch Caleb as he plays/dances around you.  My heart is warm watching the two of you play together.  He chatters at you and you give him these big, huge smiles and have even started to giggle a little.

You have mastered rolling over from your belly to your back and have started rolling from your back to your tummy.  You've almost got it, it's just the opposite arm that keeps getting stuck underneath you.  You love tummy time and are so strong lifting your head and shoulders off the ground.  You even like to move your legs a little when you are in that position and end up scooting yourself forward.  You have started finding interest in toys and I can tell your little brain moves faster than it is able to tell your hands to explore. 

You are a big boy and have outgrown a lot of your 6 month sleepers because you are so tall.  We think you will be able to wear 6 month summer clothes but I'm prepared with some 9 month clothes too. We've been able to be outside a lot in the last few days as the weather has gotten nicer and you love to look around and enjoy the breeze and sunshine.  I can't wait until it stays warmer and we can be outside more often.

You have the most adorable big, toothless smile that you flash at me and have started babbling when you are excited.  Speaking of toothless, I'm pretty sure that this is going to be the last week for that.  I can feel tiny little ridges on your lower gums, and know you are about to get your first tooth.  It seems way too soon for me because I still feel like you are my tiny baby but I know you do everything in your own time.  
I love sitting with you in the evenings while Daddy gives Caleb a bath so we can have some alone time.  I love talking to you and seeing you get so excited that you flail your arms and legs.  I am always amazed at how calm of a baby you are.  You usually just go with the flow and are a sweet, happy little boy which we adore.

You are continuing to nurse great and I treasure this bond we have because of it.  You are not too big on sleeping lately and really have only slept through the night a handful of times since you were born.  You used to wake up only once but the last few weeks you have started waking up two or three times per night.  We haven't quite figured out why, but we keep trying new things to see if that helps.

You are a wonderful baby and I am beyond blessed to be your Mommy.  Can't wait to see what this next month will hold!

Love always,